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Asuminen ja ympäristö

Municipals buildings

Municipal buildings of Jokioinen

The municipal office of Jokioinen

The municipal office of Jokioinen

The municipal office of Jokioinen is located at Keskuskatu 29 A. The office building was built in 1986 and it is 4170 m² in area.

The municipal library

The municipal library

The Jokioinen library is located at Keskuskatu 27, next to the Municipal offices. It was built in 1889 and it had been improved in 2012.

Service center Intalankartano

Service center Intalankartano

The service center Intalankartano is a service center and provides rental apartments for elders. The service center is located at Intalantie 27 and the rental apartments at Intalantie 28. Both were built in 1965. The service center had been improved in 2011 and the rental apartments in 1996.

Jokioisten Tietotalo

Jokioisten Tietotalo

Jokioisten Tietotalo is located at Humppilantie 9. It had been improved in 2007.

Fire station

Fire station

Jokioisten fire station is located at Toivontie 1. The building is being rented by the Kanta-Häme rescue department. The fire station was built in 1984 and it had been improved in 1995.

Paana high school

Paana high school

Paana high school is located at Asemakuja 1. The school was originally built in 1961, but it was drastically improved and expanded in 2015.

Miina elementary school

Miina elementary school

Miina elementary school is located at Miina Sillanpään tie 1. The school was built in 1951 and it had been improved in 2001.

Kuuma elementary school

Kuuma elementary school

Kuuma elementary school is located at Kuumantie 322. The school was built in 1916 and it had been improved in 1987. The school was shut down on 30.5.2020.

Teerimäki day care centre

Teerimäki day care centre

Teerimäki day care centre is located at Kenttätie 6. The day care center was built in 1915 and improved in 2009.

Mäntypuisto day care centre

Mäntypuisto day care centre

Mäntypuisto day care centre is located at Keskuskatu 20. The day care centre was built in 1982 and it had been improved in 2002.

Medical centre

Medical centre



Official address

The Municipal Office
Keskuskatu 29 A
31600 Jokioinen

Search for personnel
(Trustees and personnel)

Email addresses


Official email address


Phone number

+358 44 901 7174
(Mon - Thu, 9 - 14)