Monuments in Jokioinen

Satuli rock
Satuli rock is a rock in the border between two provinces, three municipals and a farm. The rock is huge in its size, which is located in the middle of a wide-open field.

Monument of Miina Sillanpää
The monument of Finland’s first ever female minister, financial adviser Miina Sillanpää’s birthplace is located west of The Parsonage Museum, on the Vaulammintie road. A monument has been made out from a natural rock that has been present there. Miina Sillanpää held a speech During the reveal of the monument in 14.10.1951 and discussed about her childhood to a massive crowd.

Miina Sillanpää’s Tombstone
The tombstone of Miina Sillanpää is located at the graveyard, left from the main gate and next to the church.

Crofter statue
The crofter statue carved by Kalervo Kallio has been built at the manor gardens, next to the Humppilantie road in 1965 in honour of the work that our countries crofters and ancestors have done. President Urho Kekkonen was present during the reveal ceremony in 12.9.1965.

Memorial for the reds
Three flagstones that all share the same relief of a lightning strike, a fallen tree and a sprouting plant that is growing from the tree’s roots. Two of the memorials are located at the graveyard while the third one is located in Lamminkylä.
Picture is from Lamminkylä.

Tombstone monument of Willebrand
The owner of the Jokioinen Manor. General Ernst Gustav von Willebrand and his spouse’s tombstone monument is located in the manor gardens, near the Loimijoki river and around some large spruce trees. Grateful relatives of theirs planted a monument in 1833. The translated text reads as. “Long ago they stepped to grow and protect these gardens.”

Memorial for the fallen
A statue of heroes is located at the graveyard in Jokioinen. A memorial for the fallen during the wars from 1939-1944, which was designed by an artist Armas Tirronen. It got finished in 1949. The statue is made out of red granite along with the text reading “Life goes on”. An amount of 218 people from Jokioinen were fallen, which was high compared to the population.

Fountain sculpture
Near the church of Jokioinen, a fountain sculpture can be found on the old side of the graveyard. The sculpture was designed in 1962 by the artist Ilmari Virkkala. The sculpture is made out of red granite with the topic of a girl soldering a lamb. The text reads as “Take them to the refreshing water sources”.

Memorial for those left behind in Karjala
A memorial for those left behind in Karjala was built on the border between the old and the new graveyard in 1954, near the church, to the left from the main gate.

Monument of Helinä Svensson-Timari
The monument was revealed by the Pellilä’s village committee initiative in 3.5.1998 in honour of Svensson-Timari’s ground-breaking performance as a voiceover artist. The monument was planted with the cooperation of Jokioinen’s department of culture and the village committee. The monument is a natural stone rock and a tile added on to it with the text that reads as “Voiceover artist Helinä Svensson-Timari 4.3.1887 – 3.5.1958 was born here on this place that was once a croft”.
The monument is located at Vuolteenpuisto park, and its address is Sivutie 6

Memorial for those who left for war
A memorial for those who left for war was built in front of where the modern day Mäntypuisto day care centre is located at the address Keskuskatu 20.

Monument of the first folk school
A monument for the first folk school in Jokioinen is located between Keskuskatu and Sahamäenkuja, on the light traffic lane.